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1.    1.  The symbol for a unit is unaltered in the plural and should not be followed by a full stop except at the end of the sentence:

5cm not 5 cms.


2.    2.  The decimal sign between digits is indicated by a full stop in typing. No commas are used to devide large numbers into groups of three, but a half-space (whole space in typing) is left after every third digit. If the numerical value of the number is less than 1 unit, a zero should precede the decimal sign:

0.123 456 not .123,456


3.     3.  The SI symbol for ‘day’ (i.e. 24 hours) is ‘d’, but urine and fecal excretions of substances should preferably be expressed as ‘per 24 hours’:

g/24 h


4.     4.  ‘Squared’ and ‘cubed’ are expressed as numerical powers and not by abbreviation:

Square centimeter is cm2 not sq. cm

Blogged with Flock

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2007 UAAP Cheerdance Competition

Far Eastern University