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I just read in FEU- IN Friendster Group that the ALUMNI CARD is now available in FEU- Alumni Affairs Office, 2nd floor Administration Building (look for Sir Mar).
*Visitor's Pass is not anymore needed when visiting FEU
*FEU library access-free of charge
*10% discount for plane trip in any AIR PHILIPPINES travel (SOON will be PAL), papelmerotti, etc.
*Discounts in STARBUCKS, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, San Miguel Products are being worked out!!!
Cards are available in different categories:
NOTE: This is different from FEU-IN Alumni Card
Credit for this info goes to 'Adrian Joseph. Click his link and message him for further info.
Here is the link to the original post: FEU-IN Group (Topic: FEU Alumni Card)
Blogged with Flock
About the TRIVIA:
The trivia contains comprehensive questions all about nursing. It includes concepts from different resources. Should you find any discrepancy in the content, kindly inform me by messaging me at so that necessary revisions can be made.
1. To start the trivia, just type "!trivia" (minus the quotation mark) and the trivia should begin giving out a question. To stop the trivia, just type "!stop" (again, minus the quotations).
Note: Sometimes, you may not know that the trivia is already set or running, so you should stop the trivia first (by doing the necessary command, stated above), and then, start it again.
2. When you join the channel, you will be given a default nickname of "Visitor#".
It is advisable that you change your name first, or even better, you register a nickname before you answer questions. It will help us to identify you and collect your points when you answer a question correctly. Be sure to use the same nickname everytime you join the channel or answer trivia.
To assign your nickname, just type your desired nickname in the box on the lower right corner of the chatbox.
3. The scores will be updated from time to time and posted in ranks. Enjoy the trivia! ^_^