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Let's Stop Abortion


Month 1
Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I
have all my organs. I love the sound
of your voice. Every time I hear it, I

wave my arms and legs. The sound of
your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.

Month 2
Mommy, today I learned how to suck my
thumb. If you could see me, you could
definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm
not big enough to survive outside my
home though. It is so nice and warm in

Month 3
You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I
hope that makes you happy. I always
want you to be happy. I don't like it
when you cry. You sound so sad. It
makes me sad too, and I cry with you
even though you can't hear me.

Month 4
Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It
is very short and fine, but I will
have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my
time exercising. I can turn my head
and curl my fingers and toes, and
stretch my arms and legs. I am
becoming quite good at it too.

Baby Girl Playful Kicking
Month 5
You went to the doctor today. Mommy,
he lied to you. He said that I'm not a
baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I
think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?

Month 6
I can hear that doctor again. I don't
like him. He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home. The
doctor called it a needle. Mommy what
is it? It burns! Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP

Month 7
Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus'
arms. he is holding me. He told me
about abortion. Why didn't you want
me, Mommy?

Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

You can repost this on your blog if you
are against Abortion..

Blogged with Flock

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Far Eastern University