Hi! I just want to share with you some of my favorite online tools . This one has been very helpful to me since i was in secondary school. Almost all my computer files (mail attachments, reaction papers, NCP's, and other miscellaneous documents) are stored on this briefcase. Just making sure i make use of all the available resources. :)
Kico, a friend of mine gave me an idea to recommend this useful tool to everyone, since he is having problem regarding where to store his files, instead of discarding them. hehe.. :P
I made an inside screenshot (below) of my own Yahoo! Briefcase to give you an idea how it looks like. The encircled part is some of my saved files.
To give you an overview:
What is Yahoo! Briefcase?
Yahoo! Briefcase allows you to store files online and then access them from anywhere. Think of it as an extra hard drive that you can use from any computer connected to the Internet. It's a tool for managing files from home, work, or any other location—and a great way to share files with family, friends, and co-workers.
30 worth of space for free, to get you started. That's room for plenty of files to keep you busy. There's no catch; you only have to be a registered Yahoo! user.
You don't need to know HTML or any technical tricks to get started. Return often to take advantage of the new services that make it even easier to share and manage pictures and files.
30 worth of space for free, to get you started. That's room for plenty of files to keep you busy. There's no catch; you only have to be a registered Yahoo! user.
You don't need to know HTML or any technical tricks to get started. Return often to take advantage of the new services that make it even easier to share and manage pictures and files.
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