(from Nursing 88 Vol. 18, August 1988)
1. Administer the right drug.
2. Administer the right drug to the right patient.
3. Administer the right dose.
4. Administer the right drug by the right route.
5. Administer the right drug at the right time.
6. Document each drug you administer.
7. Teach your patient about the drugs he is receiving.
8. Take a complete patient drug history. (There is a risk of adverse drug reactions when a number of drugs are taken or when patient id taking alcohol drinks.)
9. Find out if the patient had any drug allergies.
10. Be aware of potential drug – drug or drug-food interactions.
By: Cathleen Mcgovern, RN, BSN
Quality Assuance Coordinator
Edge Water Hospital
Chicago, Illinois, USA
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